December 30, 2011

Sharing the love

I've made it to Pinterest!  It's a new day!  I thought it's high time that I share some of that internet love, and recommend some of my most treasured blogs. Here are some of my favorite web discoveries of 2011 (plus some recently discovered favorites!)  They charm, enchant, and bewitch with their artful words, to-die-for, mouth-watering photos, and of course, wit!
Note:  such a list cannot possibly do these blogs individual justice; more in-depth items soon to come!
 the little epicurean 
does beautiful things with cupcakes!

a field journal
is absolutely wonderful. such pretty paper things.

honey & jam
makes you feel right at home (and down-home!)

brave tart
recipes and fun

joy the baker
such awesome, nonbiased recipes, and funny, too.

cocnut & quinoa
lovely clean recipes

the stuff to remember
is just that

pia jane bijkerk
has made an impressive scrapbook of a website

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